Hello Universe
A letter to the universe (and to you, my reader)
I’ve been thinking a lot about you… and I know I shouldn’t because that’s my monkey mind trying to keep me busy. I just wanted to say that I’ve been noticing the answers you’ve been sending lately… They might not look like direct emails in my inbox, but I feel you!
Things are going well as you know, 2021 has been a rollercoaster for sure, but in the end, all is well. I have cut out toxic relations and I have clearly recognised your messages:
Be Here Now.
Enjoy and cultivate more of the things you love.
Share your gifts from the heart and release anything that no longer serves you.
Trust life.
There’s still a lot of uncertainty due to the pandemic but deep inside I keep repeating: “I am safe”
I’ve been trying to share this mantra with others through my yoga classes.
To me, even the pandemic is part of the spiritual awakening game. It’s all about experiences in this physical body and all those egos that drive us crazy at times huh?
I’m not sure where we’re heading as humanity but I do have a clue where I’m heading… It’s not necessarily a physical place, although it might be, it doesn’t matter because at the end (hippie thought here) I only wish to cultivate more love and kindness. I want to be able to recognise the learnings from tough situations and connect with my true nature without judgment, with love and kindness… That type of love that goes beyond the romantic one, that kind of love elevates you and awakens you from this absurd but beautiful dream we call life… The type of love that can unite us and help us release the temporary illusions of the mind to clearly see who we really are in our light and darkness…
This is one of the reasons why my sister and I worked on a new project once more, a moon calendar full of hope and positive energy!
Would you like to have a look? Click Here