Vulnerability and warmer days
June 26, 2022
How often do you feel vulnerable? How often do you accept vulnerability in your life without complaining? I'm feeling vulnerable these days. I have doubts...
The sun shines on everyone… It doesn’t make choices…
March 7, 2021
I've always believed we all deserve the same kindness and compassion, no matter what type of sorrows we have, no matter how rich we are,...
Yoga from the heart
January 20, 2021
Are you willing to slow down and to arrive in the present moment with each cycle of the breath? The awareness of the breath creates...
Listening to the whispers of the soul
November 7, 2020
Sometimes I need silence, just to be present, feeling my body and emotions while I breathe and stay still on my yoga mat. Sometimes the thoughts...
Sometimes I feel like C.R.A.P (Crying Roaring And Puzzling)
December 2, 2018
This acronym (C.R.A.P) doesn't make much sense, but it does! Sometimes we're feeling and thinking too much, and we need to give ourselves the time to slow...