Mindful Skincare Routine – Monat
I recently realised that skincare routines could also be another opportunity for me and anyone who is “too busy” to meditate or relax, to actually pause, slow down and connect with your presence in front of the mirror. A time to practice positive affirmations and to boost your self-esteem.
It was the beginning of the year when I decided to give Monat’s vegan and cruelty-free products a go as my skin tends to get so dry in this crazy Irish weather.
I used to feel bad when buying cheap creams and my skin reacted badly to them as well so it’s been amazing to use these creams now and feel my face so soft and hydrated in such a short time!
I think that as part of our self-care practice we can incorporate mindfulness as well, even during our skincare routine. My suggestion is that you try the following tips:
When cleansing your face with Monat Creamy Cleanser (I use the Be Gentle line for sensitive/dry skin – find out your skin type), try to take a couple of deep breaths and visualise the removal of toxins from your skin while saying the following affirmation:
“I am detoxifying my body through my skincare routine”
After removing the cleanser with warm water take mindful deep breaths while following the recommended steps:

Get your mindful skincare routine into place during each of the steps below and remember to use products that are FREE of parabens or toxic ingredients. Make sure the products you use are vegan and cruelty-free like Monat’s creams and shampoos.
- CLEANSE (Use your creamy or foamy cleanser)
2. PREPARE (Use your skin revitalizing essence)
3. TARGET (Use a nourishing eye cream and perhaps an age control serum)
4. REPLENISH (Use a moisturizer according to your skin type)
If you have read this until the end, it’s time for you to take your skincare test and you will receive personalised advice from me.