Yoga Lovers on the Mat – Yoga Teacher Training
Since I was a little girl I love 2 things: Gymnastics and Writing. These 2 things made my life a lot more interesting. During my childhood, I practiced Gymnastics for a few years and discovered I could do amazing things with my body. Then, I started to read books and to feel this need to write my own thoughts, and, at some point, these became stories that my mind was able to create… So, I discovered the mystery and power of meditation and imagination. Moreover, I became aware that these gifts were provided by a special force in the universe. A force or energy that has many names assigned by humans, though even without implying any name, it would exist anyway.
Nowadays I still do both things, although now Gymnastics became Yoga, a more profound practice that unites body, mind, and spirit. I’m so grateful to this energy (God) and to myself because I followed my passion, and it has guided me to the place I am right now.
I’ve been practicing yoga since I was 22 or 23 (on and off). I can’t remember the exact year that I started, but practicing yoga always has made me feel like coming home. It’s difficult to explain it, but it helped me to realise many things about my life, and the nature of my body/soul. I’m still on this journey, exploring my inner-self and the true nature of the world that surrounds me.
I started the yoga teacher training at Samadhi last weekend. I can’t be happier, I feel this is the beginning of a beautiful path. I love this practice so much that I really want to share the journey with other people. I still have a lot to learn, and I ask God to guide me towards my purpose, every second of my life, during each present moment, in that sacred space we call: Now (which represents much more than we think).
Everything in the world is so relative and subjective, however, I found that yoga can help you to dissolve the illusions of the body and mind (if you let it). It can help you to connect with that inner strength, inner flexibility and inner balance of your body and soul, all reflected on each asana, meditation or breathing exercise you’re suppose to do when your heart starts calling for it.
The course will finish in about 10 months, so this journey is just starting. We’re a small group willing to uncover the mysteries behind our own yoga practice and our own inner-self. We’re on this alone and together. I’m sure we’ll make it worth it 🙂
Yoga lovers on the mat are definitely increasing every day, and I’m so glad to be part of that group!
That’s all I wanted to share this week,